Subject: FH
Getting Low in Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Reducing LDL-C and a Lifetime of Cardiovascular Risk
by Michael Davidson, MD, FACC, FACP, FNLA and Ann Liebeskind, MD, FAAP, FNLA (Kindle Edition)
Subject: Cholesterol
Controlling cholesterol for dummies
by Carol Ann Rinzler with Martin W. Graf, MD
Culinary dictionary for hypercholesterolemia - Food encyclopedia
by Cédric Menard
Cut your cholesterol
by Reader's Digest
Subject: Heart health
Beat the heart attack gene
by Bradley Bale, MD, Amy Doneen, ARNP, with Lisa Collier Cool
Dr. Dean Ornish's program for reversing heart disease
by Dean Ornish, M. D.
Healthy heart, healthy brain
by Bradley Bale, MD, and Amy Doneen, DNP with Lisa Collier Cool
Heart care for life
by Barry L. Zaret, M.D. and Genell J. Subak-Sharpe, M.S.
Heart 411
by Marc Gillinov, M.D. and Steven Nissen, M.D.
Keeping your heart healthy
by Dr Boon Lim
Prevent and reverse heart disease
by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.
The BAKER IDI healthy cholesterol diet and lifestyle plan
by Baker IDI
The CSIRO healthy heart program
by Dr Manny Noakes & Dr Peter Clifton
The Harvard Medical School guide to lowering your cholesterol
by Mason W. Freeman, M.D. with Christine Junge